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Root Password Cracker

It's sucrack, tool tool for cracking local user accounts via wordlist bruteforcing su. Get the latest series here.

You can read the how to down here.

sucrack - a su cracker README document version: 1.2.2

1 About
2 Installation
3 Run It!
4 Troubleshooting & Notice

1 About

sucrack is multithreaded a Linux/UNIX tool for cracking local user accounts
via wordlist bruteforcing su(1).

2 Installation

make install

2.1 additional compile options

If you prefer detailed and nice looking statistics to be printed, use the
`--enable-statistics' configuration flag. The downside of that feature is a
decrease of performance as the statistics have are frequently recalculated.
If you compiled sucrack without statistics, you still can print a
minimalistic statistic/progress, that is the number of bytes from the
wordlist already done and the total number of bytes.

sucrack is able to run multiple threads on su. That actually only makes
sense, when you are facing a delay for failing authentications. However,
if you are planning to use multiple threads, compile sucrack with a static
buffer wordlist (`--with-static-buffer'). This avoids an overhead of a
dynamic list management. If you are only using one thread it turned out to
be more efficient to let the dictionary thread put words into a list
(`--with-dynamic-list') and let the worker thread take one of these,
whenever it needs to.

It will make sense to link the binary staticly against the libraries. In
that case, configure sucrack with the --enable-static-linked flag. Default
is a dynamicly linked sucrack.

See INSTALL for further details.

3 Run It!

3.1 Options

Before you run sucrack, take a look at the help message or the manpage:

sucrack -h
man sucrack

In order to run sucrack now, you need to specify a wordlist:

sucrack wordlist.txt

You generally will have two options for printing the progress and the
statistics (if you have compiled sucrack with the `--enable-statistics'
flag). Either by using ansi escapes codes, what makes it look nicer or
without. The -a flag indicates, whether ansi escape codes should be used or

sucrack -a wordlist.txt

The interval for reprinting the statistics is set to 3 seconds by default.
You can alter that interval using the -s flag or disable the auto
reprinting functionality and print the output on any key pressed.

sucrack -s 10 -a wordlist.txt

This disables the auto reprinting functionality:

sucrack -c -a wordlist.txt

By default, failed authentications on various Linux distributions causes a
three seconds delay. sucrack is multithreaded, so that while a thread is
waiting those seconds, others can do su. It is not advisable to run sucrack
with more than one worker thread, if there is no such delay, as it slows
down the overall process.
Run sucrack with ten worker threads:

sucrack -w 10 wordlist.txt

There is another thread running, besides of the worker threads. The
dictionary thread reads the words from the wordlist and puts them into
an internal buffer. By default, that buffer is a static array.
You can set the buffer to be a dynamic list with the `--with-dynamic-list'
configuration flag. In both cases, you can alter the size of the buffer
with the -b option. By default, the buffer size is set to the number of
worker threads plus one. Consider, that it can't never be less than that.

sucrack -b 50 -w 10 wordlist.txt

In that example, the dictionary thread will always try to have 50 words
in the buffer to offer them to the 10 worker threads.

If you wan't to su to another user than root, then specify the username
with the -u flag:

sucrack -u myuser wordlist.txt

The rewriter is a helpful addon. It is rewriting the words from the word
list by certain rules and enqueues them to the word buffer. To enable
the rewriter use -r and to set up your rules -l:

sucrack -r -l AFL wordlist.txt

Here is an overview over the rules:

rule description original rewritten

A all characters to upper case myPassword MYPASSWORD
F first character to upper case myPassword MyPassword
L last character to upper case myPassword myPassworD
a all characters to lower case AnotherPASS anotherpass
f first character to lower case AnotherPASS anotherPASS
l last character to lower case AnotherPASS AnotherPASs
D prepend a digit (0..9) password 1password
d append a digit (0..9) password password1
e 1337ify the word password p455w0rd
x enable all of the above rules

All rules run at least once. The `D' and `d' rule rewrite a word ten times
and append each digit once.

3.2 Environment Variables

sucrack depends on the responses su gives on a failing authentication.
Because that can vary from version to version and distribution to
distribution you can set the expected responses in environment variables.

environment variable description

SUCRACK_SU_PATH the path to su
SUCRACK_AUTH_FAILURE the response of su, if an authentication fails
SUCRACK_AUTH_SUCCESS the response sucrack should receive, if an
authentication attemp succeeded

It is very important to set SUCRACK_AUTH_SUCCESS to any string that can't
be a response of su and does not appear in the wordlist file. Test it,
before running sucrack:

grep $SUCRACK_AUTH_SUCCESS wordlist.txt
sucrack wordlist.txt

4. Troubleshooting & Notice

sucrack was tested on Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD.OpenBSD is known to not be supported yet.

If you encouter any bugs, not listed in this section, please refer to nico@leidecker.info

sucrack 1.2.2 - a su cracker
Copyright (C) 2006 Nico Leidecker; nfl@portcullis-security.com

PlayOnLinux X Let's Play Your Windows Game

Another CopyPasted of Linux.com
If you are an avid gamer, you probably dual-boot your favorite Linux distribution with Windows, because that's where you find most new cutting-edge games. But what if you could run your Windows games on Linux? PlayOnLinux is an open source Python-scripted front end that helps you install and play tons of Windows-only games -- and then some!

At the core of PlayOnLinux is Wine, a compatibility layer that lets you run many Windows programs over Linux. But Wine isn't always easy to use. It's a command-line program, and using it for tasks like tweaking the Windows environment or individual programs remains a complex task that you can accomplish only via command-line options. This is where PlayOnLinux comes into play. PlayOnLinux provides a front end for most Wine options to help you install, manage, and uninstall Windows-based games and applications.

I installed PlayOnLinux on a Fedora 8 system that I created with the installable Fedora Live games spin. The minimal installation instructions are in the 491KB tar package. There's also a 497KB precompiled PlayOnLinux binary for Debian-based systems like Ubuntu.

Using PlayOnLinux you can install full games, expansion packs, and patches. Since PlayOnLinux uses Wine, it'll run everything that runs with Wine, which includes several productivity, office, and graphics apps as well. PlayOnLinux installs each program within its own individual environment, called a wineprefix, similar to CrossOver's bottles implementation. To uninstall a program, just select it from the list of installed applications, and from under the File menu choose the Remove option.

But PlayOnLinux is much more than a front end. The program also includes bash scripts that will create the correct environment for a particular game and guide you through its installation. In addition to the 10 official scripts, you can enable a community repository from within PlayOnLinux, which will add another 50+ scripts. From the two repositories you can install games such as Call of Duty 2, Max Payne 2, Soldier of Fortune, and World of Warcraft.

Along with the game scripts, PlayOnLinux packs another subset of scripts called WorkOnLinux that will create an installation environment for freely available Windows applications including Blender, Google SketchUp, Safari, and Winrar.

Don't despair if you can't find a script for your favorite Windows-based game or application. Using PlayOnLinux's LiveInstall script, you can install any game or app and use it with all the various PlayOnLinux tools (such as WineBooster, WineMaster, and WineConfig) as if it had been installed with an official script. Once you've installed PlayOnLinux, these tools are available from PlayOnLinux's Tools menu.

Using the tools, you can configure Wine from the Wine configuration window, where you can tweak audio, video, and other settings. You can also tweak the various Wine options to improve performance, like DirectDrawRenderer mode and VideoMemorySize, with WineBooster. You also have the option to install DirectX and Wine versions for a particular game and use WineGit to compile and install Wine from its Git repository. The tools menu also lets you install and change the Wine theme, and edit the Windows Registry Editor. Most of these changes are followed by a quick simulated Windows reboot.

PlayOnLinux can also run a battery of graphic tests, such as Glxgears, Glxmulx, and GlxTinou. This is done from under the Settings menu, from where you can also enable or disable the community repositories.

Even with all its nice options, PlayOnLinux has some drawbacks as well. The biggest is language; most of the developers are from non-English-speaking regions. While there is an option to switch the interface to English, some error messages and other bits of information haven't yet been translated. Also, many of the WorkonLinux scripts (such as the Safari script) take you to the non-English download page of the application.

Also, most of the scripts keep looping endlessly. For example, if you've just installed a game using one of the PlayOnLinux scripts, it should end when you've decided to create a desktop shortcut for the game you just installed. But, irritatingly, the script loops the icon creation section and exits only when you ask it not to create an icon. In some scripts, like the WineGit script, the Cancel button doesn't exit the process, but merely skips to the next step.

Yet PlayOnLinux, despite its minor peculiarities, is a good mechanism to manage and play Windows-based games on Linux.

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