Jaunty Jackalope is On

Yesterday Jaunty is really released. Now let's try it on and get the fastest Ubuntu boot with ext4.

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The place where you can get any news, tipsn and tutorials about linux. I'cant explain any further informations about this site. Just open the tux image on the left side. ^_^

Easy LDAP with ClarkConnect 4.2

Learning LDAP can be a frustrating experience. LDAP is complicated, and centralized authentication is only one of its many legitimate uses. As a result, the task of making Linux machines consult an LDAP server for authentication is a black art. Documentation tends to be spotty and confusing. But learning about LDAP authentication, despite its difficulty, is worth the time and effort. LDAP can provide a scalable and secure approach to network management.
I've failed to practise it with both of Fedora (or Centos, i've forgotten) and Suse. But Mr Sumodirjo told me to try ClarkConnect. It has been installed and set up there. So you just only do simple way to create user, configure the samba and anything else related to.
You can get it here.


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent