Disk Formatting in Linux
Since yesterday my flash disk error. My Windows can't detect it properly. So I couldn't format it. Then I plug it into my PClos, even the flash can't be detected too at least I still can format it.
Don't worry, in Linux we can format with fat32 file system. So it still can be read in Windows. Here is the command to format using fat32:
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
Finally I am thinking about this,
Why Windows could't do that??
Or Was Linux "too" good, than ...??
Don't worry, in Linux we can format with fat32 file system. So it still can be read in Windows. Here is the command to format using fat32:
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
Finally I am thinking about this,
Why Windows could't do that??
Or Was Linux "too" good, than ...??