Jaunty Jackalope is On

Yesterday Jaunty is really released. Now let's try it on and get the fastest Ubuntu boot with ext4.

welcome to utux-utux

The place where you can get any news, tipsn and tutorials about linux. I'cant explain any further informations about this site. Just open the tux image on the left side. ^_^

Let's Tweak Your Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of biggest Linux Distros. Its Gnome Desktop looks simple but elegance. And It's one of my favorite too. What about you?
Ok, let's back to the topic. I want show you a tool to tweak your Ubuntu. Named Ubuntu Tweak and you can get it here. This tools is so helpful to customize your desktop environment and your startup setting. It's easy to use even for newbies.

Ubuntu Remastering Tools

The day before I've written how to make your own PClinuxOS. This time let's try to remaster Ubuntu Linux. We need to install reconstructor 2.7 first. Since it is distributed in source code (tgz). You need to read this before if you don't know how yo install it.

It uses the Desktop(Live), Alternate(Install), or Server disc as a base, and then allows for user customization.
For the Ubuntu Desktop base, you can customize the entire environment. For instance, you can add/remove software, change the default look (splash, themes, fonts, wallpaper, etc.), add desktop links, etc.
For the Alternate and Server bases, you can add any additional software to the disc that you would like installed.

This program doesn't work like mklivecd in pclos. Even finally it just make live iso from your Ubuntu system. It is different. You don't need to change all of your settings in the beginning. Changes was done within the process it self.

Go to this site to read more.

Lost Your Root's Password

Root is an administrator user in linux. It has unlimited power to configure the system. But, what you gonna do if you forget the password?
There are several ways to recover your root's password. The easiest way is using livecd. All you need is only livecd/dvd from any linux distros like PClinuxOS, Ubuntu, Mandriva Live, OpenSUSE live and etc.

And here the steps are:

1. Boot your linux livecd
2. Mount your old existing linux partition
ex: mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/old-system
/dev/hdb1 is root (/) partition of your old linux system
/mnt/old-system refers to your directory in livecd
3. Edit the /etc/shadow file on your root partition
vi /mnt/old-system/etc/shadow
4. remove the encrypted passwords in the root's line
result from the step 3

Remove the red one.

5. Reboot your old system. Now the root's password is empty.

Squid Monitoring

If you are a network and internet adminisrator you might be familiar with squid as an internet proxy. But, it's difficult to maintain squid's process in command line. To help your task, you can use light squid which can be downloaded here.
It's web based application. And it's using perl programming language. You should have these program below installed in your server first:

1. Perl
2. http server (Apache, lighthttpd, etc)
3. Squid
4. Cron

Ffor the next steps you can read here.

Linux Directory Structure

The Linux filesystem has the root directory at the top of the directory tree. The following list of directories are subdirectories of the root directory. This directory is denoted by the / (pronounced "slash") symbol. To view the list of directories from the root directory, enter the following in the command line:

Contains executable programs such as ls and cp. These programs are designed to make the system usable. Programs within /bin are required for system repairing.

Stored in this directory are files that are required for the Linux boot process. Such files include vmlinuz, the Linux kernel file.

Contains device files required for interfacing with hardware. Devices in UNIX are either block or character devices. Examples of character devices are your keyboard, mouse and serial port. Block devices can include the floppy drive, CD-ROM drive and hard disk.

Contains configuration files which are local to the machine. Programs store configuration files in this directory and these files are referenced when programs are run.

Contains user account directories. Each user created by the system administrator will have a subdirectory under /home with the name of the account. This is the default behaviour of Linux systems. E.g. User account for Anna is created, her home directory will be located in /home/anna. All her personal files will reside in this directory. All participants in this class are using the home directories of their respective user accounts. At Computerbank, /home is served via the network, enabling users to access their home directory from any networked machine.

Contains shared object library files that are necessary to boot the system as well as containing files required by various programs such as rm and ls. This directory also contains modules (located in /lib/modules) which can be loaded into the kernel.

Used for mounting temporary filesystems. When mounting a CD-ROM for instance, the standard mount point location is /mnt/cdrom. On the Debian GNU/Linux systems at Computerbank, the mount point has been changed to /cdrom.

When the filesystem cannot properly identify files, the respective files are placed in this directory. If data appears to have been lost mysteriously, it is a good idea to check in this direetory (or ask your system administrator to check for you).

Used for storing random data that has no other logical destination.

Provides information about running processes and the kernel. A directory is provided for each running process. Useful system information such as the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM) available on the system as well as Central Processing Unit (CPU) speed in Megahertz (MHz) can be found within the /proc directory.

This is the home directory for the super user (root). This directory is not viewable from user accounts. The /root directory usually contains system administration files.

Similar to /bin, this directory contains executable programs needed to boot the system, however the programs within /sbin are executed by the root user.

This directory is used for temporary storage space. Files within this directory are often cleaned out either at boot time or by a regular job process. The Debian GNU/Linux operating system cleans up the /tmp directory at boot time. An example for using the /tmp directory in Computerbank would be when downloading the OpenOffice deb packages. By downloading these packages into the /tmp directory, the user can be assured the packages will be wiped off the system next time the machine reboots.

Used to store applications. When installing an application on a Debian GNU/Linux machine, the typical path to install would be /usr/local. You will notice the directory structure within /usr appears similar to the root directory structure.

This directory contains files of variable file storage. Files in /var are dynamic and are constantly being written to or changed.

Ext3 in Windows

It's get annoying when we had to reboot our computer first to take some files in Linux. But this case was resolved with EXT2-FS. You can mount your ext2 or ext3 to Windows drive. So you can read or write the system easily.

Disk Formatting in Linux

Since yesterday my flash disk error. My Windows can't detect it properly. So I couldn't format it. Then I plug it into my PClos, even the flash can't be detected too at least I still can format it.
Don't worry, in Linux we can format with fat32 file system. So it still can be read in Windows. Here is the command to format using fat32:
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1

Finally I am thinking about this,
Why Windows could't do that??
Or Was Linux "too" good, than ...??

PClinuxOS Remastering

Ohh my gondes... That's my favorite distro ever. If you want to Install PClinuxOS for many clients then you had two choice.
1. Clone it with clonezilla.
2. Make live CD from it.

This time I would like to tell you the number two. Make live CD of your linux system. Then install it to the another one.
The steps is:
1. Make your system the best linux desktop.
2. Make sure your disk capacity enough to put the iso.
3. You had to install only the usefull program (live CD) sinced the capacity limited 750 MB.
4. If you wish to install lot of program, you need a DVD (live DVD).

5. Open your konsole, login as root and type this command
remasterme ;or
mklivecd remaster.iso

The iso will be put in /root directory. Then burn it with k3b.
Have a nice your own distro =)

How Many Disk Space Left

There's many effect related to disk capacity, so you need to know about it. Problem that usually occur is:
1. /home full, user except root can't login.
2. /var full, your program can't runs and there wouldn't be logs.

Just type this command
df -h
And waste your unusefull files.

Looking Files in Linux?

The easiest way to look for file(s) in Linux we can use command locate. Just simply type locate (file you want to)
locate http

You can combine with grep, so you can find files more specific.
locate http | grep etc

It will find all of files named http in directory etc.

For using locate, you need to make index firts with command updatedb. The complete command will be.
locate http | grep etc

Run Level

Run Level is a mode of operation in one of the computer. There's six type or mode of operation in Linux. The configuration system allows you to choose one of them at once.

The Options
0 - Halt
1 -
Single user
2 -
Not used/User definable
3 -
Full multi-user, console logins only
4 -
Not used/User definable
5 -
Full multi-user, with display manager as well as console logins
6 -

The command
init(space)(number of the options above)
Example, I want to change from GUI to text mode. So I should type on the console/terminal:
init 3

You had to be root to do this command.
This way absolutely usefull to fix Linux configuration system, like my post before.

First Command in Linux

For all of beginner in linux, the first command you had to know were:

  • info
Just type
Then see the result to know every command in linux.

  • man
Type man space command
ex: man man
the result show you everything about the command.

  • --help
Type --help after every command.

Install RPM packets

To Install a RPM packet type this in your console
rpm -ivh packet.rpm

If there was an error message, the packet needs dependency(s). So, you had to install the dependency(s) first then try to install the packet again.

Crontab The Timer

Did you usually do something Like download Linux Iso(s) in the middle of the night? (cheap internet traffic reason)Or you have to do something in the future but in the same time you must meet your boss?
The best solution is using crontab.


Just type these command below to use crontab:

crontab -e # Edit your crontab file, or create one if it doesn't already exist.
crontab -l # Display your crontab file.
crontab -r # Remove your crontab file.
crontab -v # Display the last time you edited your crontab file.

File Syntax

* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
| | | +------- month (1 - 12)
| | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
| +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)


A line in crontab file like below removes the temporary files from /home/myuser/tmp each day at 7:00 AM.

* 17 * * * rm /home/myuser/tmp/*

PClinuxOS 2008 MiniMe

The number one Linux Distro in distrowatch.com, PCLinuxOS finally released the newest "MiniMe" after idle several months. You can download this iso here. It's just 300 Mb and based on KDE Desktop. It contains Linux kernel, KDE 3.5.8, X.Org 7.2, the PCLinuxOS Control Centre and the Draklive-Install Enhanced system installer.

See Running Process

Just type the command below on your beloved shell. And see the result.

ps -aux | sort +4n

Linux gOS

This distro was created by google inc. All of google service is brought to you in the Desktop Apps. Such as Gmail, Google News, Google Docs, Blogger, etc. More than that, it has office and multimedia apllication too. So, what do you think?
Just Think gOS!

Mounting Windows Directory

Wanna mount a windows directory to? Just try this command.

smbmount //windowsserver/directory /mount-point -o username=windowsusername,password=windowspassword

Secure Your Windows With Linux

Have a problem with Windows? Like virus, trojan, worm, spam, etc? Just install your linux into external hard drive or put its in your USB Flash. Don't forget to install antivirus like AVG and ClamAV. Distros such as PClinuxOS, Ubuntu, OpenSuse and Mandriva have had those Anti Virus in their repositories. Then boot the linux and scan the Windows partition.

Easy Command Easy Remoting

If we have to manage a group of computes, we sometime need to do a simple task in all computes. How do you do that? Log in to each computer and type the command? It’s very tiring and boring isn’t it? I have a tips that can make your life easier :)

This is the summary:
Create password-less root account in the cluster. No.. not that kind of password-less account. I’ll tell you later.
Make a simple script that will send a command to all computers.
Create a password-less root account
We will use a public/private key authentication scheme to login in a computer. To do this, we have to create a key pair and the private key should not be passworded. Why? If we create a password, we will have to type it again..
# ssh-keygen -t rsa

The command will create a key pair. Just press enter key several times until you found the command prompt again. You private and public key will be stored in your
contains your private key and
is your public key.

Copy your public key to authorized_users file in the same directory. So the sshd will look that file for the authentication process.
# cd ~/.ssh
# cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

Copy that 3 files into all computers in your cluster. Yes.. at this time, you have to type your password. But don’t worry, you will not do this anymore.
After that, you can test the password-less authentication by logging in to your another computer.
# ssh another.computer

Create a simple script to send a command to all computers
The script is very simple. Just a looping script that will iterate your computer addresses and give it to the ssh command.
Ssh can be used to run a command in a remote computer.
ssh some.address hostname

If we enter that command, we will make an ssh connection to some.address and run the hostname command in that machine. The standard input will be forwarded to remote machine and standard output/error will be forwarded to our local machine.
To send a command to a group of computers, we can use the following script.
# for addr in

> do

> ssh $addr halt

> done

The halt command will be sent to three computers (,, and So we can turn off more than one computers at a time.
If there is a pattern in your machine’s address, you can use the simpler variable.

# for addr in 2 3 4

> do

> ssh 192.168.1.$addr halt

> done

Tired of typing numbers? You can use seq command.
# for addr in `seq 2 4`

> do

> ssh 192.168.1.$addr halt

> done

All those three commands will do the same!

Here is one more example.
# for addr in `seq 11 26`

> do

> ssh 192.168.0.$addr mount -a

> ssh 192.168.0.$addr /etc/init.d/sgeexecd start

> done

DeepFreeze for Linux

So anoyying that your computer setting immediately changed, especially in public area such as a computer cafe etc. In windows we are all familiar with deepfreeze to anticipate this case. But in Linux? Let's make it by ourself. It's just a simple bash script to make your computer setting's get frozen.
We must copy entire of /home/userfolder to /var/userfolde.backup. In this case my username is internet. So I've copied /home/internet to /var/internet.backup.
Then, save this script below in file /root/freeze.sh.
cp -R /var/internet.backup /home/internet
chown -R internet.internet /home/internet

The next step is put this to /etc/rc.local


How To Install TGZ Packets?

TGZ is commonly used in linux. It's using tar to archive the files then compress by gzip. It's usually a source code of a program. If you having problem how to install program with this extension, read this carefully. I give an example to install program xxx.tgz

First, extract the file with this command.
# tar -xzf xxx.tgz

Then, move to the xxx folder
# cd xxx

There's usually an INSTALL file. Just go read it.
If theres's no specified How To, we can move to the next step.

Compile the program with command below.
# ./configure

If there's nothing failed, then just go install it.
# make install

The installation is completed.

If the compiling process get stopped, usually it needs a dependency.

different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent